past events

2024-10-15 Formal methods techniques in robotics systems: Design and control Workshop
2024-10-15 Workshop on Interaction-aware Autonomous Systems Workshop
2024-10-14 Workshop and Competition on Multi-Robot Perception and Navigation Challenges in Logistics and Inspection Tasks Workshop
2024-10-14 Equivariant Robotics: The Role of Symmetry Across Perception, Estimation, and Control Workshop
2024-10-14 Workshop on Real-World Challenges in Multi-Robot Cooperation Workshop
2024-10-14 Real-World Challenges in Multi-Robot Cooperation Workshop
2024-10-14 Standing the Test of Time: Retrospective and Future of World Representations for Lifelong Robotics Workshop
2023-12-04 International Symposium on Multi-Robot & Multi-Agent Systems MRS 2023 Conference
2023-10-01 Human Multi-Robot Interaction Workshop
2023-08-07 IEEE RAS Summer School 2023 on Multi-Robot Systems in Prague Summer school
2023-06-02 ICRA 2023 Workshop on Communication-Aware Multi-Robot Systems Workshop
2023-06-02 The Role of Robotics Simulators for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Workshop
2023-04-30 Collective Mobile Robotics: From Theory to Real-World Applications Special issue
2023-04-02 Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems (IRMAS) Workshop
2023-01-08 Call For paper 2023 IEEE IROS Special Session: Cooperative Robots Special issue
2022-11-02 ANTS 2022 - 13th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence Conference
2022-10-27 Human-Multi-Robot Systems: Challenges for Real World Applications Workshop
2022-10-27 Human-Multi-Robot Systems - Challenges for Real World Applications Workshop
2022-08-01 IEEE RAS Summer School 2022 on Multi-Robot Systems in Prague Summer school
2021-05-31 Multiagent Systems, Learning and Their Applications to Robotic (Mobile/Ground, Aerial, Underwater, Industrial and Medical) Systems Special issue
2020-03-04 Topical Collection: Distributed Mobile Robotic Systems, Springer Nature Applied Sciences Journal Special issue
2019-11-08 Informed Scientific Sampling in Large-scale Outdoor Environments Workshop
2019-11-04 Aerial Swarms - IROS 2019 Workshop
2019-08-22 International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS 2019) Conference
2019-08-11 The 3rd International Workshop on Multi-Agent Path Finding Workshop
2019-07-01 27th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation Conference
2019-06-30 UACE2019 - Structured Session "Situation-adaptive distributed networked systems" Conference
2019-06-23 RSS 2019 Workshop on Robots in the Wild: Challenges in Deploying Robust Autonomy for Robotic Exploration Workshop
2019-05-13 AAMAS 2019: Int'l Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Conference
2019-04-08 ACM SAC 2019 track on Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems (IRMAS) Workshop
2019-03-08 Recent Advances in Wireless Networks for Mobile Robot Application Special issue
2018-12-06 6th International Conference on Agreement Technologies (AT 2018). 6-7 December, Bergen (Norway) Conference
2018-11-06 AUV2018 - IEEE OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle workshop Conference
2018-07-21 Robot Communication Challenges: real-world problems, systems, and methods -- AURO Special issue
2018-07-14 European Robotics League Emergency 2018 Workshop
2018-07-10 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2018) Conference
2018-06-11 Int'l Conf on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-15) Conference
2018-05-25 The interplay between optimal estimation for improved action and optimal action for improved estimation Workshop
2018-05-25 Swarms: From Biology to Robotics and Back Workshop
2018-05-21 Robot Teammates Operating in Dynamic, Unstructured Environments (RT-DUNE) Workshop
2018-05-21 Workshop on Informative Path Planning and Adaptive Sampling Workshop
2018-04-01 Foundations of Resilience for Networked Robotic Systems Special issue
2018-03-15 AURO Special Issue on "Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems" Special issue
2017-12-04 The 1st International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems Conference
2017-08-29 Workshop on Intelligent Technologies for Environmental Monitoring (ITEM) Workshop
2017-07-27 RoboCup 2017 Virtual Robot Competition - Call for Participation Workshop
2017-07-16 RSS 2017 Workshop: Robot Communication in the Wild: Meeting the Challenges of Real-world Systems Workshop
2017-07-09 Rigidity Theory for Multi-agent Systems Meets Parallel Robots: Towards the Discovery of Common Models and Methods Workshop
2017-06-30 Distributed Robotic Systems and Society Special issue
2017-06-02 Human Multi-Robot Systems (MRS) Interaction Workshop
2017-06-02 ICRA 2017 Workshop on Multi-robot Perception-Driven Control and Planning Workshop
2017-05-08 Robotics Track at AAMAS 2017 Conference
2017-03-30 Technical track on Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Sytems (IRMAS) @ SAC 2017 Workshop
2017-01-31 Sonar multi-sensor applications and techniques Special issue
2016-12-13 2016 IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR) Conference
2016-11-07 13th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems Conference
2016-11-02 Multi-robot Systems - IEEE Intelligent Systems Special issue
2016-11-01 Online Decision Making in Multi-Robot Coordination (Autonomous Robots) Special issue
2016-06-19 Workshop on On-line decision-making in multi-robot coordination Workshop
2016-06-19 Cooperative autonomous intelligent vehicles are advanced robotic systems of systems: current trends and challenges Workshop
2016-06-15 Modeling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems Workshop Conference
2016-06-13 Workshop on Distributed and Multi-Agent Planning, ICAPS 2016 Workshop
2016-06-01 Special Session on Agent Methodologies For Intelligent Robotics Applications@PAAMS 2016 Conference
2016-05-20 2016 ICRA Workshop on Fielded Multi-robot Systems Operating on Land, Sea, and Air Workshop
2016-05-09 Robotics Track at AAMAS 2016: Call for Papers Conference
2016-04-05 Technical track on Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Sytems (IRMAS) Workshop
2016-03-21 Challenges and Opportunities in Multiagent Learning for the Real World Workshop
2016-02-29 The Future of Robot Rescue Simulation workshop Workshop
2015-10-02 On-line decision-making in multi-robot coordination Workshop
2015-09-28 Robotic co-workers: methods, challenges and industrial test cases Workshop
2015-09-28 Cooperative vehicles and robotic systems for industrial applications Workshop
2015-09-17 euRathlon 2015 Challenge Workshop
2015-07-16 Principles of Multi-Robot Systems Workshop
2015-06-29 Taxonomies of Interconnected Systems: Asymmetry and Directedness in Multi-Agent Interactions Workshop
2015-06-22 Structured Session on Distributed Networked Systems for Surveillance Workshop
2015-05-30 Persistent Autonomy for Aquatic Robotics: the Role of Control and Learning in Single and Multi-Robot Systems Workshop
2015-05-26 Taxonomies of Interconnected Systems: Asymmetric Interactions in Distributed Robotics Workshop
2014-11-02 DARS 2014 Conference
2014-09-18 The future of multiple-robot research and its multiple identities Workshop
2014-09-15 Networked Cooperative Autonomous Systems - IEEE T-ASE Special issue
2014-09-14 Taxonomies of Interconnected Systems: Topology in Distributed Robotics Workshop
2014-06-01 On the Centrality of Decentralization in Multi-robot Systems: Holy Grail or False Idol? Workshop
2014-06-01 Crossing the Reality Gap: Control, Human Interaction and Cloud Technology for Multi- and Many- Robot Systems Workshop