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A. Franchi, Secchi, C., Ryll, M., Bülthoff, H. H., and Giordano, P. Robuffo, Shared Control: Balancing Autonomy and Human Assistance with a Group of Quadrotor UAVs., IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Special Issue on Aerial Robotics and the Quadrotor Platform, vol. 19, pp. 57-68, 2012.
A. Franchi, Masone, C., Grabe, V., Ryll, M., Bülthoff, H. H., and Giordano, P. Robuffo, Modeling and Control of UAV Bearing-Formations with Bilateral High-Level Steering, The International Journal of Robotics Research, Special Issue on 3D Exploration, Mapping, and Surveillance, vol. 31, pp. 1504-1525, 2012.
A. Franchi, Secchi, C., Son, H. Il, Bülthoff, H. H., and Giordano, P. Robuffo, Bilateral Teleoperation of Groups of Mobile Robots with Time-Varying Topology, IEEE Transaction on Robotics, vol. 28, pp. 1019 -1033, 2012.
D. Lee, Franchi, A., Son, H. Il, Bülthoff, H. H., and Giordano, P. Robuffo, Semi-Autonomous Haptic Teleoperation Control Architecture of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics, Focused Section on Aerospace Mechatronics, vol. 18, pp. 1334-1345, 2013.