Call For Papers: Autonomous Robots
Special Issue on "Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems"
Initial Deadline for Paper Submission: *March 15, 2018*
Full Call at
Dear colleagues,
you are invited to submit a contribution to the Special Issue on "Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems" to be published on Autonomous Robots
In the same way that computers have revolutionized the way we deal with information, robotics will enable a similar revolution in the way we operate in the real world. Future robots will form a backbone of pervasive, efficient networks of taskable agents; but, crucially, these will be systems of communicating, cooperative devices. Already multiple robot and multiple agent systems (MRS/MAS) have shown their worth in fairly structured and semi-structured domains such as logistics, cargo management, and agriculture. And far more is on the immediate horizon: vehicular networks for transportation, security and surveillance, food supply, environmental monitoring and ecological impact assessment, services for manufacturing and assistance in rescue settings.
The SI topics include (but are not limited to)
- Physical Interaction in/with MRS/MAS
- Cooperative/Collective Learning in MRS/MAS
- AI of Large Scale Systems
- Applications of MRS
- Technological and Methodological Issues
- MRS for Cooperative Manipulation
- Micro/Nano Scale MRS
- Communication in MRS/MAS
- Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking in MRS/MAS
- Human-robot and Human-agent interaction
- Game theoretic approaches for MAS/MRS
- Teamwork, team formation, teamwork analysis for robots
Extended versions of MRS papers are expected to have substantial new material w.r.t. their conference versions.
We expect this to be approximately 30% of the final journal article. Possible extensions may include: more detailed description of the methods and derivations; more analysis of the existing experiments; application of the approach to a new problem or domain; extended discussion and future work; and additional experiments or demonstrations of the method.
All submitted papers will be reviewed following the standard reviewing procedures for the journal.
Please note that only a selection of all accepted papers will be included in the special issue. The remaining accepted papers will be published as "normal" papers in Autonomous Robots.
- Dr. Nora Ayanian, University of Southern California, USA
- Dr. Paolo Robuffo Giordano, CNRS, France
- Dr. Robert Fitch, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- Dr. Antonio Franchi, CNRS, France
- Dr. Lorenzo Sabattini, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy