Workshop on Intelligent Technologies for Environmental Monitoring (ITEM)

Tuesday, 29 August, 2017
Lecce, Italy
Hosting conference: 
14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-based Surveillance (AVSS 2017)
Rosalia Maglietta (CNR-ISSIA)
Annalisa Milella (CNR-ISSIA)
Shahriar Negadharipour (University of Miami)
Giulio Reina (Università del Salento)
Carmelo Fanizza (Jonian Dolphin Conservation)
Environmental monitoring and data analysis across expansive environments for surveillance and security applications gain significant support from the integration of robotics and sensor network technologies. In particular, robots can augment the capabilities of stationary sensor networks offering increased availability and awareness, as compared to a static system. Pattern recognition and machine learning play a key role for analysis and interpretation of the data acquired by robot/sensor systems, enabling observation, modeling and understanding of environmental targets, towards the development of intelligent systems for effective detection and monitoring of security, health, and resource management issues. This full-day workshop intends to bring together researchers and practitioners with various backgrounds relevant to this multidisciplinary field of research, namely researchers from field robotics, sensors and sensor networks for security and surveillance, visual and signal-based monitoring systems, environmental data processing, classification, pattern recognition, computer vision, communications in monitoring systems, sea monitoring, agricultural and forest monitoring.
Deadline for submission: 
Friday, 12 May, 2017