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“How Much Worth Is Coordination of Mobile Robots for Exploration in Search and Rescue?”, in RoboCup 2012: Robot Soccer World Cup XVI, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2013, pp. 106–117.
, “Semantically-Informed Coordinated Multirobot Exploration of Relevant Areas in Search and Rescue Settings”, in Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), 2013.
, “A semantically-informed multirobot system for exploration of relevant areas in search and rescue settings”, Autonomous Robots, pp. 1–17, 2015.
, “Data Correlation and Comparison from Multiple Sensors over a Coral Reef with a Team of Heterogeneous Aquatic Robots”, in International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER), 2016.
, “Collaborative Sampling Using Heterogeneous Marine Robots Driven by Visual Cues”, in Proceedings of the Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), 2017.
, “Multirobot Exploration for Building Communication Maps with Prior from Communication Models”, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), 2017.
, “Multirobot Online Construction of Communication Maps”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2017.
, “Autonomous Marine Sampling Enhanced by Strategically Deployed Drifters in Marine Flow Fields”, in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, Charleston, SC, 2018.
, “Experimental Analysis of Radio Communication Capabilities of Multiple Autonomous Surface Vehicles”, in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, Charleston, SC, 2018.
, “Heterogeneous Multirobot System for Exploration and Strategic Water Sampling”, in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
, “Multi-robot Dubins Coverage with Autonomous Surface Vehicles”, in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
, “Strategies for coordinated multirobot exploration with recurrent connectivity constraints”, Autonomous Robots, vol. 42, pp. 875–894, 2018.
, “Underwater Surveying via Bearing Only Cooperative Localization”, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, 2018.
, Online Update of Communication Maps for Exploring Multirobot Systems Under Connectivity Constraints, vol. 9. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 513 - 526.
, “ROS-CBT: Communication Benchmarking Tool for the Robot Operating System: Extended Abstract”, in International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 2019.
, “AmphiLight: Direct Air-Water Communication with Laser Light”, in 17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 20), Santa Clara, CA, 2020.
, “DeepURL: Deep Pose Estimation Framework for Underwater Relative Localization”, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2020.
, “Exploration and Mapping with Groups of Robots: Recent Trends”, Current Robotics Reports, 2020.
, “Multi-robot online sensing strategies for the construction of communication maps”, Autonomous Robots, vol. 44, no. 3-4, pp. 299 - 319, 2020.
, “GVGExp: Communication-Constrained Multi-Robot Exploration System based on Generalized Voronoi Graphs”, in International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2021.