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Conference Paper
A. Felner, Li, J., Boyarski, E., Ma, H., Cohen, L., Kumar, T. K. Satish, and Keonig, S., Adding Heuristics to Conflict-Based Search for Multi-Agent Pathfinding, in International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), 2018.
H. Ma, Yang, J., Cohen, L., Kumar, T. K. Satish, and Koenig, S., Feasibility Study: Moving Non-Homogeneous Teams in Congested Video Game Environments, in AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE), 2017.
H. Ma, Li, J., Kumar, T. K. Satish, and Koenig, S., Lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding for Online Pickup and Delivery Tasks, in International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2017.
H. Ma, Wagner, G., Felner, A., Li, J., Kumar, T. K. Satish, and Koenig, S., Multi-Agent Path Finding with Deadlines, in International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2018.
H. Ma, Wagner, G., Felner, A., Li, J., Kumar, T. K. Satish, and Koenig, S., Multi-Agent Path Finding with Deadlines: Preliminary Results, in International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2018.
H. Ma, Kumar, T. K. Satish, and Koenig, S., Multi-Agent Path Finding with Delay Probabilities, in AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2017.
W. Hönig, Kumar, T. K. Satish, Cohen, L., Ma, H., Xu, H., Ayanian, N., and Koenig, S., Multi-Agent Path Finding with Kinematic Constraints, in International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, London, UK, 2016.
H. Ma, Tovey, C., Sharon, G., Kumar, T. K. Satish, and Koenig, S., Multi-Agent Path Finding with Payload Transfers and the Package-Exchange Robot-Routing Problem, in AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2016.
H. Ma, Koenig, S., Ayanian, N., Cohen, L., Hönig, W., Kumar, T. K. Satish, Uras, T., Xu, H., Tovey, C., and Sharon, G., Overview: Generalizations of Multi-Agent Path Finding to Real-World Scenarios, in IJCAI-16 Workshop on Multi-Agent Path Finding (WOMPF), 2016.
R. Morris, Pasareanu, C., Luckow, K., Malik, W., Ma, H., Kumar, T. K. Satish, and Koenig, S., Planning, Scheduling and Monitoring for Airport Surface Operations, in AAAI-16 Workshop on Planning for Hybrid Systems (PlanHS), 2016.