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C. Dornhege, Kleiner, A., and Kolling, A., Coverage search in 3D, in Proc. of the {IEEE} Int. Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics {(SSRR), Linkoeping, Sweden, 2013.
C. Dornhege, Kleiner, A., and Kolling, A., Coverage search in 3D, Linkoeping, Sweden, 2013.
H. Luo and Lam, T. Lun, Adaptive Flow Planning of Modular Spherical Robot Considering Static Gravity Stability, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, pp. 4228–4235, 2022.
D. Zhao and Lam, T. Lun, SnailBot: A Continuously Dockable Modular Self-reconfigurable Robot Using Rocker-bogie Suspension, in 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2022, pp. 4261–4267.